We are here to make your car buying experience exciting, easy, and simple.
After long time of purchasing autos behalf of other dealerships inventory from the auction, we made a huge decision to offer our service to public.
Let us introduce the new ultimate way of purchasing your next car.
Since we will buy where dealers buy their inventory, we are able to pass these savings on to you- our client. Our auction master will work with you from the scratch.
You will receive our expert knowledge and unbiased advice best suited to your needs.
Unlike other companies that may offer same service, we will physically inspect the car and make sure all your requests are fulfilled. We are very passionate and dedicated to giving our customers an honest and pleasant buying experience; guarantying them a pleasant business experience.
Our mission is to make your journey of purchasing or leasing your next vehicle easy, straightforward and pleasurable.
We will make sure you get your next car for less-money, less-time and less-hassle!
Our commitment to you does not end when we deliver a new vehicle to your home or business.
We offer an array of services to insure our customers ALWAYS have someone to speak to about their automotive needs.
Just call or e-mail us to let us know exactly what vehicle(s) you're interested in. We will consult with you, do all the research, find the vehicle of your choice, secure the best price and have it delivered to you directly, so all you need to do is sit back and relax!
스팟모터스는 경매 구입대행 전문 업체 입니다.
고객님이 원하시는 차종, 옵션, 색상, 마일리지 등 상세한 정보 등 에 관하여 자세한 상담 후 경매를 통한 차량 구입절차를 진행 해 드립니다.
Are you looking to lease or buy brand new car?
Please let us know vehicle that you interested in, we will get you the best deal without you visiting a dealership.
새차 리스, 파이낸스도 스팟모터스의 딜러 네트워크를 통해 진행해 드립니다.
고객님께서 직접 새차 딜러와 네고하는 불편한 과정 없이 최대한 좋은 딜을 받으실 수 있게 도와드립니다.
We offer two complementary services for you!
There will be no extra charges for these service :)
더이상 귀찮은 차량 픽업 오지 않으셔도 됩니다!
스팟모터스는 본 업체를 통해 구입 하시는 모든 차종에 한하여 무료 딜리버리 서비스(50마일 이내)와 풀 디테일링 서비스를 제공합니다 :)
We are more than welcome to take trade-in. Or you can only sell us your vehicle. We will make sure you are satisfied with the valuation for your car. Please call us to make an appointment for the appraisal.
경매 서비스를 통해 구입 하시더라도 Trade-In 을 하실 수 있습니다. 차만 판매 하시는 경우에도 연락 주시면 찾아 뵙고 차 상태 확인 후 좋은 가격에 판매 하실 수 있게 도와드립니다.
Why bother wasting time at DMV?
Our knowledgeable DMV specialist will take care of issues relating titles and registrations.
해결 하셔야 할 DMV 업무가 있으신가요?
스팟모터스는 고객님의 편의성을 위해 DMV스페셜리스트가 차량 등록 업무, 타이틀 업무 및 모든 관련 업무를 해결 해드립니다.
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